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안정성 테스트 챔버
안정성 테스트 챔버

제약 산업에서 안정성 챔버를 사용하는 이유는 무엇입니까?

제약 산업에서 안정성 챔버를 사용하는 이유는 무엇입니까?

Nov 24, 2022
The operation of a stability chamber is based on the basic idea that by maintaining a constant temperature and humidity chamber , a constant relative humidity value will be maintained as well. The ratio of how much water is in the air to how much it might theoretically store is known as relative humidity. With a rise in current temperature, the amount of water that air can contain increases, resulting in a drop in relative humidity. This is how
both settings are automatically modified at the same time. The temperature in the stability chamber should not vary more than two to three degrees, and the humidity should not fluctuate more than 5%.

The chamber’s outer and inner bodies are comprised of corrosion-resistant stainless steel, with the inner body insulated properly. Inside the chamber, there are several shelves for storing products that may be readily removed. Sensors are also fitted to the chamber to detect temperature and humidity levels. The controlled airflow inside the chamber ensures that temperature and humidity remain consistent. For improved uniformity of essential conditions, horizontal laminar airflow is suggested. Even when the shelves are fully loaded with samples, they will receive a continuous flow of air using this system. The linked blowers ensure that the sir is circulated properly. Receiving and transferring data is done with data loggers.

Stability chambers have a wide range of applications. They play a vital role in the final stages of product production. It is also used in the automotive industry, cosmetics industry, packaging, biological or microbiological testing, research and various other fields. The Pharmaceuticals segment is responsible for creating, researching and marketing medicines that benefit medical science. Since these treatments will benefit large numbers of people in many parts of the world, proper drug production becomes a top priority. When individuals manufacture and ingest defective medicines, side effects and dangerous symptoms can occur. Therefore, it is necessary to conduct drug stability testing in various environments.

In the pharmaceutical industry, the stability chamber is used for this purpose only. They assist in drug testing under various variables such as temperature, humidity, pH, radiation, etc. They are also used to see how long a product will last before needing to be replaced. Stability chamber testing also reveals information about the integrity of product packaging. This test can save you a lot of time and money by alerting you to errors in your medicine that could make it harmful in a particular setting. This test can also be used to determine the expiration date of a drug. The shelf life of a drug is the amount of time a drug remains effective from the date of manufacture when stored under specific conditions. This value must be determined using a stability test chamber and displayed on the packaging for consumer awareness. These chambers are also used to store pharmaceutical samples that require stable conditions that cannot be obtained through natural sources, as they maintain the required stable and uniform temperature. Proper maintenance and inspection of chambers should be a priority in the pharmaceutical sector to ensure correct drug testing.


최고의 안정성 챔버 솔루션은 누가 제공합니까?
환경 챔버 제조업체 Thchamber 안정성 챔버는 기후 테스트 및 안정성 조사의 엄격한 요구 사항을 충족하도록 신중하게 구성 및 개발되었습니다. 이 챔버는 즉시 사용 가능한 제어와 일관된 온도 및 습도를 제공하는 FDA/ICH 안정성 표준을 갖추고 있습니다.

Thchamber 안정성 챔버에는 수년에 걸쳐 엄격한 테스트 주기를 통해 챔버가 원활하게 작동하도록 테스트 데이터를 정확하게 기록할 수 있는 특정 지침, 구조적 무결성 및 측정 장비가 있습니다.

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